Where You Can Get Information on Davie County Arrests and Criminal Court Records
Finding information on Davie County arrests is more difficult compared to other counties as there is no official search tool on the web which presents current or past inmates. You can try to call the detention center (336-753-6647) and ask about a specific detainee. You will have to provide his/her full name, date of birth and probably specific dates on which he/she might have been confined in their facility. Even after you give all of that, there is no guarantee the jail administration will disclose the information you seek.
So what can you do?
You have 4 options to inquire about Davie County arrests:
1) You can expand the scope of your inquiry and try to get information on North Carolina arrest records using the online inmate search maintained by the NC Department of Public Safety. By inserting a name or an offender number, you will be shown an inmate's status (active/inactive) and personal details.
Each electronic record also consists of conviction date; booking date; parole begin date; projected and release date and offense date, type (misdemeanor/felony) and description. Most importantly, you will be shown the facility where the inmate serves time and the county where he/she was convicted. This database encompasses all the prisons in North Carolina.
2) We strongly advise that you obtain copies of Davie County court records since these records reveal a person's convictions in court and resulting jail sentences. You should turn to the office of the Superior Clerk of Court (140 S Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028, phone:336-936-3000) and submit a FOIA request to view these records (The Clerk of Court is responsible for processing and storing them). You'll need to hand in a formal file containing a request for a criminal record search. The file can be found here.
For your information, North Carolina Public Records Law obligates governmental offices (including law enforcement agencies) to reveal the dockets in their archives for public view upon request.
3) You can go to the Sheriff Office (140 S Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028, phone: 336-751-6238) and inquire about recent arrests made in the county. You can also inquire about Davie County warrants. If the case in question does not involve minors, they are usually willing to reveal details regarding outstanding warrants out of considerations of public safety.
4) To conduct a thorough criminal background check on people that matter to you using one comprehensive source, we recommend utilizing this website's search tool. You just need to insert a person's name and you will get an elaborate reports which presents that person's criminal history. Each report contains information on Davie County arrests and active warrants as well as police records, criminal records and court dockets issued all over North Carolina and other U.S. states. The data is up to date and accurate. Searchers are guaranteed full anonymity. Service fees are low.