Useful Guidelines for Finding Rowan County Warrants and Arrest Records
Finding Rowan County warrants is quite easy. Arrest record can also be obtained without too much difficulty. All you need is to know is where to search. The following lines will direct you to the relevant databases to enable you to conduct a thorough criminal background check.
Where to look for Rowan County warrants
The sheriff’s website include a warrant list. By viewing it, you can get updates on wanted people. You can also search a person by name. The data shown consists of the suspect’s personal details plus a mugshot, warrant type and charge description. For more details, call either the sheriff office (704-216-8700) or the Magistrate (704-797-3130). The latter issues most of the county’s arrest orders.
Conducting an arrest search
To extract information on Rowan County arrest records, use the sheriff’s online inmate list. It presents people currently incarcerated for a variety of offenses. Each name in the list contains the following: The inmate’s personal details (e.g. date of birth, race, etc.) and a mugshot, the facility where he / she is held, booking date, charge description and bond amount.
Expanding your investigation
Rowan County arrest records deal only with local inmates. If you wish to expand your research to include all of the detention facilities in North Carolina, turn to the online offender search managed by the NC DPS. It enables you to locate active and inactive inmates by name statewide.
How to get copies of Rowan County court records
Court records are required to garner information on a person’s history of convictions. Go to the Clerk of Superior Court and request access to public information. NC FOIA laws obligates the government to reveal civil and criminal dockets upon demand. A certified copy will cost you $25. For more details, go here.
Conducting a full criminal record check
ncarrestrecords.org puts at your disposal an effective inquiry tool which presents comprehensive criminal history reports related to the state’s residents (and to any person living in the United State). These reports include Rowan County warrants, jail records, police records and civil and criminal dockets released by the court. You will be able to see the same data for other counties. The reports are accurate and are updated regularly. Your anonymity is strictly observed.