How to Find Surry County Court Dockets and Arrest Records
For a complete background check that will indicate if a person has ever been convicted of a crime, we recommend accessing Surry County court dockets. It shouldn’t be too hard. You just need to find the time to go to the office of the Clerk of Superior Court at 201 E Kapp St, Dobson, NC 27017 (phone: 336-386-3700) and ask them to search for criminal records related to the subject of your inquiry. They will demand a fee of $25 for a certified copy. It is important to know that under The North Carolina Public Records Law, Surry County court docket are considered public records available to everyone.
Carrying out an arrest search
To garner information on Surry County arrest records, you should turn to the county jail (phone: 336-401-8975) and inquire about a specific detainee. To conduct a more extensive investigation in order to track NC arrest records, use the electronic offender search tool managed by the state’s Department of Safety. It will enable you to locate inmates (including released inmates and parolees) all over North Carolina.
Searching for Surry County warrants
The sheriff can help you find out if a person appears in the county’s wanted list. This investigation has to be carried out in person at his office located at 18 N Main St.Dobson, North Carolina 27017 (phone:336-401-8900).
This website’s search services
ncarrestrecords.org provides information on how to perform a background check in all of NC counties. Moreover, it puts at your disposal a reliable search tool that will allow you to track the criminal history of yourself or of other people. You will get detailed reports containing accurate information on Surry County court dockets, jail records, warrants, police reports and more. The data also covers other counties. All searched are confidential and fully secure.