Searching for Wayne County Warrants and Arrest Records
The best way to discover if a person is wanted for a crime or is hiding from the police is to access Wayne County warrants. Although there is no official list of wanted people on the Internet, you won’t have a problem acquiring information. We suggest paying a visit to the Warrant Squad of the sheriff office, (at 207 E Chestnut St. Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530.Telephone: 919-731-1481) and asking about the particular person you would like to check. In most cases, they do not withhold information regarding fugitives for reasons of public safety. They also hope that the public will deliver them some tips that may expedite criminal investigations.
Another highly useful source you can use in your investigation is the Magistrate Office. They are in charge of issuing arrest orders and, therefore, they possess the most accurate and updated information on Wayne County warrants. They can be reached at 919-722-6270.
Finding Wayne County arrest records
To find out if a person has ever been apprehended in the county, contact the detention center (919-731-1660). For a more in-depth inquiry, you can use the online offender search maintained by the NC DPS. It will give you a wider perspective by displaying North Carolina arrest records (including former inmates). The search process is based on the subject’s name and it is free of charge.
Obtaining information on a person’s prior convictions
All the sources mentioned above cannot tell you if the one on whom you run your check has a history of convictions. To find out whether he or she has been prosecuted for a crime
Another search option
To save you so much effort turning to so many different governmental offices, offers you a highly effective search tool. By typing the subject’s name, you will receive detailed reports related to his or her criminal background. The reports include Wayne County warrants, police records, jail records, court dockets and more. Criminal data from other counties is shown as well. Searchers’ confidentiality is guaranteed.