Useful Tips to Help You Find Pasquotank County Arrest Records and Active Warrants
This article will show you how to search for Pasquotank County arrest records and outstanding warrants to make sure a person that matters to you doesn't have a criminal history that may threaten you and the people you care for. The search process is not complicated, and you will usually find what you are looking for.
Carrying out an arrest search
You won't run into any online jail roster on the websites of the Sheriff and the local jail, so to inquire about a person's prior arrests, we suggest turning to the Clerk of Superior Court (6 E Main St. Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909, phone: 252-331-4600) and filing a FOIA request to view Pasquotank County court records. These records are important since they present person's convictions and, therefore, jail sentences. To file the request, you will need to download, fill in and submit special criminal record search form.
You can injquire about Pasquotank County arrest records by turning to more extensive statewide data banks. The NC Department of Public Safety maintains an online offender search through which you can locate current and past inmates in correctional facilities scattered all across the state.
By inserting a name or offender number (you can add additional parameters to narrow your search, for example race, gender and ethnic group), you will be presented with an inmate's number and personal details, offense description (including type and date), conviction date, arrest date, total incarceration term, release date and date of next custody review. You will also be shown the correctional facility where the inmate is confined.
Finding Pasquotank County warrants
To find out if there is an outstanding warrant against a person you know, you should pay a visit to the Sheriff office (200 East Colonial Ave. Elizabeth City, NC 27909, phone: 252-338-2191) and ask for information on wanted people. They usually have no problem sharing this type of information with citizens as they are guided by considerations of public safety.
What is more, the Sheriff's website present names of fugitives from justice. Each name includes a suspect's full name, mugshot, address, gender, race, date of birth, physical description and the crime he/she has allegedly committed.
Using this website's background check tool
To carry out an extensive background check on people that matter to you, we recommend using this website's searchable database. You just need to provide a person's name and you will get a full report presenting that person's criminal records and incarceration history.
Each report includes Pasquotank County arrest records, warrants and civil and criminal court dockets. Reports also cover wider information, such as North Carolina warrants, prison records and police records. The data is accurate and up to date. All searches are confidential and anonymous (that is, a person will never know his/her name has been searched). Service fees are low.